5 min readFeb 7, 2021
ask anney minimalism blog clipart

Minimalism-7 ways to a meaningful minimalist life

It was 7:20 in the daylight I got out of bed and went straight to freshen up, looked at myself in the mirror, and realized …

I should wash my face, take a shower, and brush my teeth. So, I chose to take one long medium cold shower and started wondering “what to wear today”

And then after a while, I saw myself standing in front of my closet and 5 minutes later still having a thought “I don’t have anything good to wear today”

Bullhshit! Annie grumbles

So, this was my Journal of March 3rd, 2019 when minimalism crossed my mind.

ask anney thinking about minimalism with the hands in pocket

And I realized what I have become and what I have sacrificed equally to be a part of this best of all possible world.

And in case if you seek an answer, it didn’t float my boat.

And that’s pretty much it

Trust me when I say don’t believe those fellas coz it’s their on-going desire to fill that already piled up stock more and more.

ask anney tensed and sitting on the pile of clothes

And don’t dare to beat around the bush now and look at me eye to eye because, you know we all have stuff we desire and are actually required like a blacktop, wedges, candles, diaries, new goggles, and blah blah to the not ending list but still, it doesn’t fulfill our hunger.

And we still find ourselves wandering around in showrooms to satisfy that non-ending hunger.

ask anney talking and paying money

But don’t get me wrong when I say stuff because we all need it in some way or another and nothing can ever change that even if it’s as ordinary as a non-essential thing like nail paint.

ask anney hands with different nailpaints

So, Let’s understand it bit by bit.

Shall we?

What is Minimalism?

Okay! So, after it hit my mind, I got myself a 90s phone and I use that only because I don’t like to buy new things.

I didn’t even buy a comb for a year because I just use my pretty hands to comb my hair.

I didn’t even use toothpaste or a brush because I happened to be making one at home by just using baking soda and use it with my long fingers.

I didn’t even have several clothes because what I have is the number of fingers on your left hand.

And yes, I was hoping for 5 only.

And I haven’t used any deodorants or antiperspirants since then because I believe in letting the body itself get rid of toxins and I got to know that it somehow boosts our immune system.

Something sounds unusual?


I get it This is nuts and it seems like I took this minimalism thing quite seriously.

Well, grasshopper I just wanted you to know that these are some of the myths and are nowhere near minimalism… So, please don’t use your pretty fingers instead of a comb because that’s gonna hurt pretty badly and there will be no sign of any outcome.

ask anney in rapunzel dress up

But then why everyone talks about letting gooooo in Minimalism?

Well, because for everyone minimalism is different. For some, it can be getting rid of everything in their life and have a simpler kind of life. For some, it can be getting rid of the unmeaningful people in their life. For some, it can be getting rid of their “not so normal ” past.

But as for me, minimalism is not about letting go… Moreover, it’s about keeping what’s valuable in life.

Since childhood, I love to collect tiny things (whatever it can be) and keep them with me like I indeed have my tiny hair clips of my childhood and my tiny Santa, my tiny rings, my tiny emoji erasers, my tiny ace cards, and what not to add. They all have taken up so much space in my wardrobe and I still can’t let go of them because they are of some value to me.

ask anney pink hair clip

Thereby, I don’t think minimalism is giving up all of your things to make that breathing space in your life. Moreover, it’s more than just things. It’s the way with which you get to know what are those things that are of some value in your life. And that’s what matters right?

It’s the way with which you can fill the blank space in your life with one and only happiness.

ask anney singing

So, how do you do it?

I’ll tell you how.

Leave it to me.

1. Have an anti-Pinterest life (but just a little).

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My name is Charlotte Anney- a blogger+illustrator+yoga artist🌈 I blog about the meaningfulness of life and how positivity and yoga can make life worthy enough